All Apologies
by admin
March 19, 2008
Dearest MidWasteland readers,
I feel like I’ve posted to apologize for my lack of posts more than I have posted pictures in the last few months. So once again, I will say that I am sorry
By April 1st we will have an even newer format and I promise to upload all of the old pictures that I never got to in Febuary. By then, it will be warm (FINGERS CROSSED) and I be able to run around town to shoot more Chicago street style than the eye can see.
In that interim I urge you all to attend two of the greatest fashion events in Chicago this season.

Gen Art presents: SHOP CHICAGO

Hope to see you guys there!
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hi dear stylish collčgue
i’m Kamel, from Paris
i quited TV univers to create a street style blog that shows Paris through street style photo romances.
I like to mixe stories and real styles because it’s a way for me to humanize fashion.
after 6 months of street style hunting and bloging, 3000 photos, i’ve been asked last week if i could create a street style press magazine in Paris for july
i am very glad because it'”s a great challenge and i’ve never done that before.
ii don’t know if you can succed because I hope that everyone could help me
because i’ll have to find photos from all over the world
that means creating a network of street style photographers
I’ll be glad to switch links with you.
My blog’s name is : STYLE AND THE CITY – PARIS
have a look to my photo romances and tell my what you think about.
some stories are translated in english : click the english flag
thank you very much for your new friendship
street style romancer in Paris