That Time I Was One of the Most Desirable Women on OKCupid

It was slightly alarming to receive an email from OKCupid telling me they wanted to speak with me ASAP regarding my profile.
When we connected, they let me know that I was one of the site’s most desirable women. Well, not in the entire world but, in the pool of women under 35 in New York City. Â Still, not so bad. Aside from that, Nightline would be featuring some of these people in an upcoming segment so they wanted to know if they had permission to share my info.
“It worked!”, I thought. All the research I had done about online dating – the keywords, the picture lineup, and branding myself – is paying off. Whatever that means. Naturally, I said yes.
“Why do you think so many guys are messaging you?”, the producer asked. “My screen name.” “Yeah, that’s what I thought, too. Not that you’re not very cute. It’s just really approachable.” She was referring to the name, XOmidwest, an homage to my homeland with a dash of flirtation.
Ya know, “nice, naive, midwestern girl comes to the big city in search of a sexy, athletic finance bro to take care of her”, etc. Guys love that shit.
I never did get interviewed for the show but, they used three of my photos in the credits so, there go my fifteen minutes of fame.