If You Like TOPSHOP, You'll Love…
by admin
March 18, 2009
Topshop has always been a glimmer in American’s eyes, a place we could only hear about from fashion editors or gaze at on the internet. One day, like magic, we were even able to purchase from the website and come April, we (and by we, I mean New Yorkers) will be able to try on all of their scrumptious goods in person.
Though, the more I browse the site and wait in wonder, the more I realize it looks distinctly familiar. I’ve seen all this stuff before…in my Etsy store! Nothing was exact but I found a lot of similarities in their Spring collection and my vintage goodies, which made me think, if you like TOPSHOP, you’ll love Elegantly Wasted Vintage.

By my calculations, if you bought ALL of the vintage above instead ofthe Topshop garb, you would not only save $716(!), your clothes wouldbe one of a kind. Just something to think about during the R-Word.
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honestly, i like the elegantly wasted pieces better.