
I could lie and tell you that the best part of my wardrobe is the vintage, Courreges mock turtle neck (in mint condition!) that I purchased for two dollars or possibly my immense boot collection but instead, I’ll be honest, REAL honest.
If you know me, you know that I’m a crazy cat lady. I love anything and everything cat related. On a trip to San Francisco, earlier this year, I found my ultimate favorite piece of clothing. Four words – MINT GREEN MUU MUU. Gasp, it’s gets worse better. On the front is a graphic of kittens jumping out of a strawberry shaped teakettle with the phrase, “KIT-TEA CAT” above it. True story.
So, of course, the minute I saw Jeanie’s tiger tee I jumped for joy! This gal not only had a super awesome big cat T-shirt but her high waisted short shorts, cute cowboy boots and perfect mop of curls were marvelous as well.
Ha ha, I’m on the lookout for a cat shirt too. I love this look . . .
And the silver shoes? I don’t know why people wouldn’t bid on them. They’re great. Maybe you could wear them with black tights and try to market them towards UK rave kids or something?
If you relist them send me the link and I’ll put them up on my blog–I’ll do a post on silver shoes or something.
if only my foot fit into them, i would keep them. I think it might be the way i photographed them?
thanks for the offer, i may do that.