Meet Angela Wisniewski, Writer + Stylist + Social Media Maven

Detroit native Angela Wisniewski studied PR and journalism in college, parlaying her degree to a job in local media at a tv network and running an alt-weekly, amongst others. Like a true Millennial, she found a way to merge that experience with her passions to start an entrepreneurial endeavor, Hey Angela. In that business she styles, creates social media content, and consults.
Aside from being a total digital fashionista bawss lady she has damn good taste in music. Read ahead to find out why Angela Wisniewski is our midwest muse.
Occupation: Writer/Stylist/Social Media Maven
Hometown: DETROIT
Current city/neighborhood: DETROIT
If I didn’t live in the Midwest, I’d live in… Paradise City
My BFF is… Scraps
Style icon: I have so many! Perhaps a Peg Bundy/ Kate Moss hybrid.
Dream date: Tupac.
Summer wardrobe essential? High(er) waisted jean shorts. My favorite are an old pair of Calvin Klein jeans from Lost & Found Vintage that I cut. Also, my Dr. Marten’s “Darcie” Diva boots for all seasons.
Beauty product I can’t live without….EVER: NARS lip crayon in “Damned.” It’s perfect.
When I get my nails did, I go to… Saigon Spa. It’s right by my apartment, the girls are great. It’s quiet and peaceful and you can get a manicure & pedicure for $35!
Favorite Food: Pierogi from Srodek’s in Hamtramck.
Drank of Choice: In general, whiskey and bourbon. Looking at my shelf in my kitchen I’ve got Woodford Reserve, Bushmills, Arbeg 10-year and Sangster’s Banana Rum Cream I got in Jamaica.
I’m so scared of…

 Gosh, I don’t know, what am I afraid of? Maybe the effects of reality TV have on people.
If I could go back in time to another decade it would be… Fuck all that noise! Just live in the now, ya know?
What’s on your playlist?
- Natural Child “Paradise Heights”
- Habibi “Sweetest Talk”
- Pixies “Hey”
- Passalacqua “Sunset City”
- Can “Vitamin C”
- Lee Field & Expressions “You’re The Kind of Girl”
- Quelle Chris feat. Danny Brown “Shotgun”
- Onra feat. T3 “The One”
- The Whatnauts “Message From A Black Man”
- Sexual Harassment “If I Gave You A Party”