If you’re still reading, you’ll notice that our blog has been a little, uh, dead, for the past few months. Well, after a little restructuring, brainstorming, and much needed time off we’re ready to get back in the swing of things.
Our main goal for the rest of this year and beyond is to establish a community of the coolest, hippest, most amazing girls on the planet (that reside in the Midwest). We know you are out there and we want to give you a place to talk about “world issues” in a way that editors in New York and LA just can’t. Fashion, Lifestyle and Culture from a Midwestern perspective.
So let’s get this party started roight. ASK US ANYTHING. Forrealz, anything.
Have a cheating BF you just can’t shake? Can’t figure out WTF to wear somewhere? Wondering where the eff to go for awesome tacos in Chicago? Scared that your infatuation with Jon Hamm has gone a little too far?
We’re here for you girl…