HOW TO: Have Pin-Up Girl Hair
February 13, 2009
If I didn’t have 8AM classes almost everyday, I would love to invest real time in my hair. It always tends to look rather disheveled and not in a good, sexy way. So when I do have the time to make my hair look good, I don’t just want that to mean clean and not frizzy. I want it to mean vintage and stylish. Sadly, I have no idea how to do that on my own. WORRY NOT FRIEND. There are videos all over youtube highlighting different vintage looks with helpful tutorials. Looks like I have my Friday night hair all planned out. Sorry hat, you were a last resort.
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Women, please do this. Then, dress like Joan Holloway.
Oh yeah, I’ve watched that before, back when I had long hair tutorials took up a LOT of my time, lol!