For The Boys: Mr. Fantastic
by admin
August 11, 2008

Take current Issue 7, for example. The dandy-air of the magazine oozes out of its 70s era page design and black and white photos. Interviews with Scott Schuman (the Sartorialist), Robert Wyatt and Tom Ford give incite into the talent and vision of truly fantastic men, while photo spreads and features–such as “Super Positive Plants” and “The Art of Writing Letters”–introduce a bit of style in how a true gentleman comports himself. The magazine’s subtle retro-throwback is refreshing in a world where Details, Esquire and Men’s Health dictate a man’s style agenda.
Published out of Amsterdam, Fantastic Man is a little hard to find in the US, unless you know where to look. Curiously enough, hipster oasis American Apparel is often stocked with the biannual publication, so if you are ever in need of an intellectual fashion fix, stop by and pick it up. Be warned: it costs a pretty penny, but its sage wisdom is worth it. While Lindsey Lohan is showing her Britney on the cover of Maxim, or Details discusses Shia La Beouf’s recent fuck-ups, this magazine claims nothing less than the truth: nothing is sexier than being fantastic.
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