Not ‘My Kind of Town’ but It’ll Do…
by admin
May 1, 2008
Last year around this time I started getting the itch to move to New York.
I had the dream that a lot of other girls in their twenties have at one time or another. The one where you give up your normal life for a more romanticized version.
This new life would take place in Manhattan, obviously, and I would work at a big fashion magazine(duh!). In my free time I would sip on cosmos with my girlfriends and date an old, rich guy. This all sounds great in theory(*cough*) but my dream was nothing more than a classic case of the “carriebradshaws”.
I stepped into that world for a moment during a recent trip and had a grand ole time!
When it was all said and done, I realized that nothing compares to Chicago…
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well said. chi-town’s got it going on.