NEXT!: My One Hour Excursion Into the World of Chatroulette
by admin
February 24, 2010

Before logging on I did a little research, just so I knew exactly what I was in for. The first thing I found was The 24 Best Chat Roulette Screenshots. After LOLing for 10 minutes, I went to the site and pressed “Play”.

After putting on full faces of makeup, on the off chance that we would encounter a celebrity,we sat in our living room spinning the metaphorical wheel. If youhaven’t done it, the best way I can describe it is “early 90s chatroommeets Elimidate.”
One by one, we met an array of interesting people, most of whichwere men and many of whom werefrom France. We were only “nexted” once and it was by the one otherwoman that was logged on. Surprisingly, it wasn’t until the last halfhour that we came across themasturbators everyone is talking about. Out of 40 people we met (notincluding: the tent, a live white cat, two different dancing robots anda “Dick 4 Pussy” sign) most seemed pretty normal, albeit this was viavideo chat.

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Daaamn, you got FB friends out of it?