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Tis The Season: The MidWasteland's Top 5 Favs for the Holidays- Ashley's Picks

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Tis The Season: The MidWasteland's Top 5 Favs for the Holidays- Ashley's Picks

A collage of pictures with shoes, boots and a skull.

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1. Play: The Nylon Book of Music
“I still look at my copy of “Street: The Nylon Book of Global Style”whenever I’m in a style slump. I was excited to hear Nylon coming outwith their third book on one of my favorite topics, music!”
2.  Barky Turntable | Audiowood
“I love my old record player but this one is so rad! It might never make it under my tree(it’s $1,295!) but it’s still on my wish list.”
3. Helvetica Necklace | Plastique
“Saw this necklace on Scottish fashion blog, Kingdom of Style and knew I needed to have it right away.”
4. Vintage Boots | James Rowland Shop
“James Rowland always has the best vintage boots and always in my size. The prices are never too bad either.”
5. Eternal Robin Statue |  The Runny Bunny
“You can never have enough twisted kitschy knick-knacks.”

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