Chicago: Fashion Focus Schedule – Thursday
by admin
October 24, 2009

Style Stop
Chicago Tourism Center | 72 E. Randolph Street
11 am – 1 pm Lesley Tempe (Squasht By Les)
4:00 – 6:00 Elda De La Rosa
Macy’s presents the Designers of Chicago
Millennium Park – Chase Promenade North
7:30 p.m.
Stay ahead of the trends with this preview of Spring 2010collections. Macy’s presents the next great American designer in thisrunway exclusive. Meet some of the names you need to know fromChicago’s design community and the 2009 Chicago Fashion IncubatorDesigners-in-Residence. Macy’s will carry some of their lines at Macy’son State Street.
Invention and the Obsolete – Abigail Glaum-Lathbury Spring 2010 Collection
Prairie Production | 1314 West Randolph Street
9:00 p.m.
Enter into a world of electricity and imagination for AbigailGlaum-Lathbury’s Spring 2010 collection. In her most conceptualcollection to date Abigail plays with the ideas of identity andsameness in a show that seeks to transcend the runway and shift therelationship between the audience and model. Themes of electricity andthe passion behind invention weave in and out of silhouettes that rangefrom the bizarre to the beautiful.
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