Latest Obsession: Mad Men Style

So I know I’m two seasons behind the Mad Men obsession, but I don’t have cable! I just finished the first season of the show, which chronicles the debauchery and success of ad men in the 1960s on Madison Ave, and I’m hooked. The costumes, designed by Janie Bryant, make the show come alive.
The women sartorially outshine the men, purely because of variation. Joan does sexy siren in fitted sheaths. Peggy’s lost between sweet school girl and secretary in unfortunate frocks. Betty masters housewife in perfection with pearls. All of the men are dapper in their trench coats, well-tailored suits and hats. It’s all just so glamourous.
Bryant’s influence was all over the 2008 runways, including Thom Browne and Michael Kors. Now she’s whispering about developing her own line. Might as well capitalize, right?
Her work was acknowledged with a nomination for a Costume Designer Guild Award, and the winners are announced at the Gala tonight! I’ll keep you posted.
I want to be Betty.