Chicago: Haystack Vintage
by admin
December 23, 2008

Last Sunday, I went on an adventure with a friend. Of course, by adventure, I mean shopping. It was a dismal day for that, as it is December in Chicago; the doom and gloom of the sky belied the “Sun” in my “day.” Imagine my glee, then, as we made our way south on Broadway in Lakeview, when we turn a corner and like Gatsby’s green beacon, I see the illuminated “vintage” sign.
Haystack. Short, sweet and–-coupled with the sign above the door–-to the point. Walking in, I had the distinct shock that accompanies every initial step into a vintage/resale shop. Turquoise TVs, funky tchotchkes and weathered suitcases peppered the store, while the back walls were lined with racks and racks of clothes. My eyes didn’t know where to look first.
Boasting a number of men’s and women’s vintage fashions, owner Phil Tadros certainly made a wondrous, glorious mess of the space. While I enjoyed my version of heaven, my friend perused a collection of costume jewelry that would make Schiaparelli proud. After close to an hour of shopping–admittedly, we wanted to wait out the rain–I settled on a purchase that even now, I cannot believe. Nestled between a fairly janky-looking corduroy blazer and a salt-stained pair of overalls was something out of my wildest fantasies: a single-buttoned Lanvin tuxedo jacket. A complete inspection showed that the piece was in excellent condition, though the sleeves were a smidge too short. No matter; it it an alteration that any tailor worth their salt could fix and at $40, it was a purchase I couldn’t afford to pass up.
Ultimately, my stumbling into Haystack was well worth the nasty weather. My amazing find is proof positive that Haystack is worthy of its name.
Photo: Juhyun Baik
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