For The Boys: Gossip Guys
by admin
September 30, 2008

And, being a girl, I tend to report on how hot the guys are, who’s doing who or how much I love a particular outfit, even though I know we have male readers and GG has male watchers(my BF being one). Sorry, I’m selfish.
To give a little bit back to the boys, I found a website that will give you “a slightly more masculine take on the Best Show On Television”, I Am Chuck Bass.
The guys who do the site, B & C, tell it like it is, dubbing Dan’s loft “The Williamsburg Waffle House, aka Vanessa’s Cockblocking Kingdom” and even found a way to blame Serena for all of Derena’s relationship problems. Yea, because Serena’s the psycho…right.
So, if you’re a guy that loves GG as much as I do, I Am Chuck Bass is the place for you.
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