Burger King Studios
by admin
October 27, 2008

Another pop up marketing shop came to town and this time it was by way of Burger King. Unlike pop ups of the past, like the Stoli Hotel or even the Black Swan loft, the Burger King Studio seemed to be less about the product(i.e. whoppers and fries) and more about the concept.
The space, located in Wicker Park, featured work from five Chicago-based artists/designersincluding: Veggiesomething, Blutt, Angel D’Amico, Risk and CharlieOwens. Their work was representative of a whole new Burger King (or”BK” these days) but you would hardly ever know it. Onlookers wereinundated by product placement in all of the work but it really didn’tmatter because the art was so awesome. A hunky version of the King andstreet art-y versions of BK’s logo perfectly intertwined into theamazing pieces.

Besides being showcased on the walls, elements of the artist’s anddesigner’s designs were used for making one-of-a-kind shirts which wereprinted live in the space.
Unfortunately, I didn’t take a lot of pics because it was wall towall people in there. But, there will be more opportunities to come atthe upcoming Burger King Studios events on November 7th. and Nov. 21st.
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