Trash or Treasure? – Floral Docs

In junior high all I wanted to do was fit in. We all did. And, at the time, that meant dressing like, Kurt Cobain. Even if you were a girl. So, naturally, I asked my parents for a pair of Docs…to go with my flannel collection, obvi. I guess that got lost in translation somewhere because they got me Docs, technically, but, mine were by a company called, Dox, and bought on sale at Chernin’s. I still haven’t recovered.
With grunge back for a second go-round and my own bank account, I’m free to get REALÂ Dr Martens Boots! After a trip to the new-ish Wicker Park store on Milwaukee Ave, I have my sights set on the Floral Lace Up Boots. Half girly, half edgy, and the perfect addition to my Tomboy-rooted wardrobe.
But, I’m torn. Do I go frivolous, give my parents the finger, and buy the ones I can only pepper into my wardrobe rotation OR do I make the “adult” decision, be a lady, and get the Matte Black that will go with EVERYTHING, forever?
I simply love Floral Dr Martens, it means that they don’t look too masculine when you wear them!