Chicago: Creatures of The Wind Start to Soar
by admin
February 4, 2009
In November, I made note of the emerging Chicago label, Creatures of the Wind. Since then, the designers, Shane Gabier and Christopher Peters, have been climbing briskly up the fashion chain towing the lovely line of simple mens and womenswear with them.
With less than a year of life under its belt, the label has already found itself being featured in everyone’s fav fashion glossy, W. The issue, out in March, is bound to launch CotW even further into the fashion stratosphere.
In a recent Chicago Reader article, Gabier made some great points about Chicago’s Fashion Focus, that I and many of my fashion colleagues, have discussed and wholeheartedly agree with. He stated that Fashion Focus does not get nearly enough national press or attention, nor does it have a selective enough process, which is probably why people still don’t take Chicago seriously and why CotW opted out of participating in the events.
I commend them for doing that. I think people in the Midwest feel like they have to do whatever, whenever to make it in this game. Though, if I were on the fashion council, I would take heed and start to think about who else isn’t interested and why. Otherwise, Chicago will never be competition to New York’s fashion industry, no matter how much the fashion council tries.
Read Chicago Reader article here and chime in with your thoughts.
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