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Recessionista: Clothing Swaps

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Recessionista: Clothing Swaps

As we know, one’s trash is another’s treasure. Imagine treasure hunting paired with cocktails and all your girlfriends. Enter the clothing swap. These cost-free shopping solutions are picking up momentum around our recession fueled country and are a great way to refresh your wardrobe without the guilt of spending.
Suzanne Agasi has devoted a business ( to the idea. She says women only wear 20 percent of their clothes 80 percent of the time. That leaves 80 percent of your wardrobe with swapping potential. Think about it, I know you have the “Must buy designer piece that doesn’t fit or flatter” or “The ‘Thanks for the present, Grandma’ sweater” because those pieces are in my closet too!
Not only do shopping muscles get exercised during an economic downturn, but closets get cleaned out, a bunch of friends get together, and it’s environmentally conscious. Seems like what could go wrong, right? Well, plenty. It’s bunch of women fighting over free clothes.
Things to take in mind:
1. Set a minimum for people to bring to make things fair.
2. Invite people of all sizes and incorporate accessories in the mix to avoid the inevitable body conscious breakdown.
3. Realize you’ve already spent the money and bringing a designer cocktail dress and leaving with a Gap t-shirt is just the way it works.
4. Don’t be the girl who hoards everything just to let it sit in your closet, AGAIN.
You get the picture. Public swapping still not your thing? Here are some online swapping communities to check out:

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