Signs of Spring – Wicker Park
by admin
February 18, 2009

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oooh double breasted is steezey
I love the very last photo. His hair is amazing and his coat is great!!! I also love this blog. Chicago fashion blogs totally outshine the new york ones!!!
As my slow computer was downloading these pictures, the second picture had me really excited until those black tights showed up. Something a little less stark would have worked really well. Otherwise, I love her sense of pattern mixing.
love the last look so much. great hair. rockabilly tattoos may not be in anymore, but rockabilly hair will always drive me wild…on guys or girls!!
Chicago fashion blogs outshine New York City ones? Uh no they don’t. The last guy looks like a mannequin, which can be cool.
I’m from Chicago and I love wicker park! and i love hanging out in wicker park and the people in wicker park tend to be more fashion forward then any neighborhood in Chicago but there is no way Chicago fashion blogs outshin NYC! NYC is 10 times more fashionable then Chicago!! sorry Chicago