Fashion Don'ts: 10 Reasons I'm Glad I Didn't Go to Justice on NYE
by admin
January 6, 2009
Unlike 5,000 other Chicagoans, I didn’t go see Justice at the Congress on New Year’s Eve. Looking at the pictures, I see that I had good reason to miss it. I hate ginormous crowds, teen fipsters(fake hipsters) and Lincoln Park trixies that want nothing more than to fit into the Wicker Park scene.My biggest fashion hope for 2009 is that I never see another piece of gold lame or shutter shade again.

Photos by: Clayton Hauck |
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“Fipsters” really? Go watch SLC Punk right now.
I was there because some friends were performing, but I hid upstairs in the skybox for the exact reasons you outlined above.
I still managaed to have a good time though, and the place really didn’t feel overcrowded.
i didnt go either but omg these pictures make me want to cry. from sadness. good call on 2009 fashion hopes.
glad i didn’t go either! oh wait, i did go.. and took all those pics. OK well glad I don’t remember most of the night 😉
oh, boo hoo. “fipsters” and “trixies that want nothing more than to fit into the Wicker Park scene”? what are you, a 14 year old? with any scene, there’s always the cannibalization and spending way WAY too much energy categorizing who is “pure” within the scene. In short, while you were making faces at people and crying into your PBR, these dorks pictured above don’t give a shit about your scene-handwringing and were having fun.
Yes, I’m 14 and I run this blog from my parents basement in fucking Arlington Heights. You must also be stalking me because I spent my entire NYE crying, drinking PBR, and having NO fun.
And of course those dorks don’t care what I do, THEY’RE LIKE 17!!!
I think YOU spent WAY tooooo much time on your post.
Try to hard anyone? I am sure you are originally from Alington Heights. Fipster? Good try.
I AM trying so hard! You got me again! I AM from Arlington Heights!
You’re retarded.
I’m from Chicago, loser. CHICAGO. And, yes, I make up words. Is that a problem?
I constantly wonder who these people are that leave ridiculous comment becuase they are just SOOO offended when people ‘dis’ aspects of the hipster culture.
get over yourselves and learn how to spell(it’s too!, not to).
“I hate… teen fipsters(fake hipsters) and Lincoln Park trixies that want nothing more than to fit into the Wicker Park scene.”
Well said, Monica.
In the future, don’t your time replying to posts like that which “snuh” left. You’re showing him too much respect by acknowledging him.
You are all patently ridiculous. Monica, if you truly don’t care what people comment, why respnd? And clayton/tankboy, why apologize for going to an event that looked like it was a lot of fun?
All types exist in the world and are entitled to have fun without being critiqued by “tastemakers” who think their opinion is overly important. Bad fashion is one thing (and oh I bet there was plenty of it on nye at congress), but this is insane.
die hipsters die!!!! all of you. you are not cool. all of you retards try to make everything about yourself. hipsters are the new abercrombie & fitch wave of “fashion”. wait until the next big trend starts for all of you to jump on and act like you are sooo unique. kill yourself
unfortunately i was there. it was the biggest waste of 60 dollars. seriously. i don’t know what i was expecting. justice started to suck quite a while ago. their performance was hardly memorable and just about everyone there was rolling and sweating all over the place. or they were 16 and drove from bumblefuck ohio to hear justice play dance or whatever. i am embarrassed for myself.
This brings back memories. No, not the insane Lady Ga-Ga clothing, but the Congress. I saw two CRAZY My Chemical Romance/Billy Talent/ Drive By/ David Costa shows back-to-back there last year.
It was the most hectic, insane, unorganized, violent venue I’ve ever attended.
There was beauty in the chaos, though, and a fabulous show- as is always the case with MCR.
Sorry for this random comment, but thank you for bringing back memories, and helping me remember how lovely the inside of the Congress was through the backgrounds of these photographs.
it was new years. it was a fun and wild time. who cares what people look like. let them dress how they want. dont judge.
It does look kind of dumb but I was wondering who gets to decide who the fake and real hipsters are. I guess I wasn’t aware that there are criteria you have to meet.