by admin
April 1, 2008
I have taken my share of pictures at my friends’ space, the WOR Loft, over the last few months.I feel pretty bad shooting style photos at the same place over and over again but I can’t help it.It’s just that it has been incredibly cold this winter (which has, sadly, hindered the street shots) but also, every time I go, I can’t help but find people I think are pretty interesting, it’s just that kind of place.I hope you understand…

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gross. lurking around the wiles of wickerpark taking photos and using the phrase hot mess to describe anything is SO LAME.
if half of the people you’ve photographed knew what blog they’re showcased on they’d ralph.
there’s nothing profound about this blog and i can’t wait to find out who’s behind it all.
[…] use of the awesome and totally perfect (i.e. right in the middle of the vintage shopping district) WoR loft, Michelle of Lady Language for driving so far and bringing your returned wares, taking so many […]
hey chicago celeb,
if you want to know who’s behind it all, read the ABOUT section, pick up any recent chicago periodical and get your head out of your ass.
Also, i don’t lurk around wicker park (two words, not one), i live there.
mystery solved.
you must have wanted to keep your real identity a secret since you’re a ‘celeb’ and all. i’m sure not one person that reads this blog knows you or cares who you are.
p.s.- if you can use the word “ralph” and “lame” then i’m pretty sure i can take the liberty of using “hot mess”.
Awesome clothing on display, getting back to a 70’s basement kinda feeling.
I like it!